Location: Milky Way / Artemis Tau / Macedon System / First planet
WARNING: Level 1 Pressure Hazard
Sharjila has a very dense atmosphere of ammonia and oxygen. Its temperate surface is mainly composed of alumina with deposits of sulfur. Comm buoys in the system have recently logged a number of unregistered vessels operating nearby.
Sharjila has an extensive silicon-based, oxygen-breathing ecology. Heavily populated areas are covered with fine silica (silicon dioxide) dust, the respiratory by-product of the world's higher animal forms. High-speed surface winds, often laden with abrasive silica dust, present a hazard. In areas where the wind deposits a great deal of silica, footing can be treacherous. EVAs are discouraged.
- Assignment: UNC: Asari Diplomacy
- Collection: UNC: Asari Writings: Matriarch's Writings ×1
- Survey: UNC: Valuable Minerals: Light Metal ×1 / Rare Element ×2
Points of Interest[]
Location | Appearance | Description |
1 | Initial | Stronghold (UNC: Asari Diplomacy) |
2 | Initial | Crashed probe (salvage Average Electronics) |
3 | Initial | Abandoned camp and asari capsule (UNC: Asari Writings) and crate up the hill to the north (salvage). South-east of the camp, there is an abandoned tent.
“It's not clear who lived here, but it appears to have been abandoned for some time. The container in the tent held, among other things, one of Matriarch Dilinaga's writings.” |
4 | Unmarked | The "song" associated with rachni can be heard here. |
Mineral Deposits[]
- Main article: UNC: Valuable Minerals
Location | Element | Class |
1 | Thorium | Rare |
2 | Uranium | Rare |
3 | Magnesium | Light |
Sharjila's soil has grasslike lifeforms that can thrive in high-pressure ammonia/oxygen environments.
The local points of interest are mostly situated along cliffs and inclines, close to the bounds of the operational area. Driving from point to point should be a hassle-free affair, with only a few bumps to break the rolling monotony of the surface.
- In Mass Effect Legendary Edition, Sharjila's terrain now features 3D grass carpeting instead of plain dirt textures.
- Sharjila does have a thick atmosphere but not enough in the way of greenhouse gasses. This distance and temperature, alongside Macedon's M3 main sequence luminosity of 0.01 suns, imply an albedo of "-57.5". These properties have to be mistaken.