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ME 3 squadmates[]

As far as I know, neither Tali, Mordin or Grunt were confirmed as squadmates-merely NPC's. Article states that they will be in team. Can anyone prooflink, please?

Tali is, in PC Gamer Magazine, for the others you just happen to have come across the page at the unfortunate time between someone adding unconfirmed characters and when someone who knows better deletes them.JakePT 13:25, May 11, 2011 (UTC)
And apparently Zaeed and Thane were just confirmed to return as well. No confirmation on if they are part of the squad yet. Apparenlty I need to read better. Lancer1289 15:21, May 11, 2011 (UTC)

Only 5 squad mates in ME3?[]

So i remember reading somewhere that there will be a DLC squadmate in ME3 is this true or will there only be the five confirmed. Cory Jaynes 21:39, July 25, 2011 (UTC)

The five listed is all that we have confirmed at this point. We don't have any information about anyone else, and if we had information about others, then we'd post it. Statements made by BioWare devs indicate however that we should expect a smaller squad than there was in ME2. Lancer1289 21:45, July 25, 2011 (UTC)

Lancer, if anyone knows this, itd be you, if we have a smaller squad, and both garrus and tali died on the suicide mission, could we have only 3 squadmates?

BeoW0lfe 13:26, February 1, 2012 (UTC)

No idea. My guess, more than likely. Lancer1289 13:30, February 1, 2012 (UTC)

Since Diana Allers has been confirmed as a love interest, should we put her in the squad section? Since they have a new male character (James Vega) isn't it safe to assume she is also part of the squad? -- 22:01, February 22, 2012 (UTC)

As far as we know, she isn't part of the squad despite being a possible love interest. Remember that in ME2, Kelly Chambers was a love interest for Shepard but wasn't part of the squadmates, rather was your yeoman. Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem 22:07, February 22, 2012 (UTC)
I think Diana should go in the allies section. SilentCircuit 22:10, February 22, 2012 (UTC)
And we don't know the context of what her role is. Until it is clarified, we won't add anything. Lancer1289 22:31, February 22, 2012 (UTC)

ME3 Adversaries[]

  • *Spoilers*

Should Illusive Man and Kai Leng be added as adversaries for Mass Effect 3, since it's confirmed that Cerberus are enemies, and it's also confirmed that both will be in the game? SilentCircuit 20:07, January 29, 2012 (UTC)

We're waiting to do that until we know the extent of the roles both of them will play in ME3. At this point, we only know a little about the Illusive Man's goals and nothing about Kai Leng other than he will be in the game at some point. -- Commdor (Talk) 20:29, January 29, 2012 (UTC)

We know some cerberus ops have been indoctrinated, but we have no confermation that illusive man is actually an adversary, right? BeoW0lfe 13:21, February 6, 2012 (UTC)


i saw the edit/undo a moment ago. Why wouldnt he be an ally? He's on your side in the most honest way. Unless youre hardcore renegade, he says i dont need the report. Sounds like a friend. BeoW0lfe|

The problem is that he really isn't active in the story as he is in ME. You only see him and are in contact with him once. It would definitely fit the groove as a friend, but an ally, in that context, next to the others that are there, no. Lancer1289 15:52, February 27, 2012 (UTC)

Fair enough. illusive man comment? Still confused. See below. BeoW0lfe 15:54, February 27, 2012 (UTC)

I can't answer two topics at once, especially on a talk page this long. Lancer1289 15:56, February 27, 2012 (UTC)

Here's my point of view.

Active in the story? But neither was Chakwas and Kelly, for that matter. They're there because of their constant presence in the Normandy crew, and minor tie-ins with the suicide mission outcome. Chakwas was listed up in the ME1 section at one point. Someone's removed it, and has reversed all edits that put her back in. Her role in ME2 is not anymore substantial then in ME1. And why is Udina even an ally when he double-crosses you halfway through the plot, notwithstanding that a Shepard with low IQ may choose Udina as a council rep in the finale? By that token, Pressly has a better claim as a major ally since he's Shepard's XO throughout ME1.

Hackett wasn't even all that active in ME. He would send you information on optional assignments and asking you to look into it, but that's about it and very likely to be given a pass on since it's all optional. His only real involvement in the storyline was during the Citadel final battle.

To me Hackett in ME2 most certainly was an ally. He was mostly a background character in ME1, but at least he showed his face in ME2 with a slightly bigger role particularly from the DLC content. Liara revealed that she had some behind-the-scenes dealings with Hackett in LOTSB, he's mentioned as personally involved with preserving Shepard's memory in the public eye with details changing depending on Shepard's personality background, and he sends intel to you about Normandy Crash Site and Kenson. Arrival DLC serves as a prequel to ME3 and is just as plot significant as LOTSB. Shepard seems to be better acquainted with him by this point, and on better terms compared to Anderson and Virmire Survivor pre-ME3, and would promise to stick up for Shepard no matter the response justifying their actions for the Batarian relay. But if you must insist and undo the edit, then it's fine, I'm not interested in an edit war.

I understand and support keeping the list of characters short and sweet. But what's with the arbitrary choices in the inclusions and omissions? I didn't think it was a big deal filling in the empty slot right next to the portraits of Chakwas and Chambers.

Derek Chew 16:07, February 27, 2012 (UTC)

The Illusive Man[]

we do know that cerberus will be an adversary at some point, but we currently do not know that TIM is our enemy. If a source isnt posted in a reasonable amount of time, i will remove TIM from the Mass Effect 3 adversaries section as it is speculation. BeoW0lfe 15:45, February 27, 2012 (UTC)

The thing here is that the Illusive Man is the head of Cerberus, an organization that has put itself against you in ME3. He has stated in official released footage, that if Shepard gets in his way, then he will kill the Commander. Cerberus has allied itself with the Reapers, and since the Illusive Man is head of one part of that, like how the Collector General is listed along with Harbinger, it is appropriate. Lancer1289 15:56, February 27, 2012 (UTC)

Well, too bad that logic is sound. :p i have a sneaking suspicion that we can work with TIM despite the organization going rouge. (ironic huh?) BeoW0lfe 15:59, February 27, 2012 (UTC)

Maybe later in the game, but for now, Adversary is appropriate. Lancer1289 16:01, February 27, 2012 (UTC)

If you listen to Martin Sheen talking about Illusive Man on the Voice Cast trailer on youtube, he insinuates that there is by now, no question or doubt as to what the Illusive Man's goals are and what he really stands for. ME3's official website also clearly states the Cerberus is the Illusive Man's army.

Derek Chew 16:11, February 27, 2012 (UTC)

True, however, it is only insinuated that he is evil. And was the shadow brokers forces not his personal army? Could the same happen to TIM? The reapers could kill anyone who had seen him and replace him. Cerberus is then under reaper control, not that of TIM. Just a thought. BeoW0lfe 16:18, February 27, 2012 (UTC)

Only insinuated? Martin Sheen has cheekily dropped hints time and time again that the Illusive Man is completely amoral. If you define evil only within the constraints of a personality trait that is sadistic and actively seeks to hurt others for the sake of it, then you are entitled to that opinion. Whether the Illusive Man has made the conscious choice or indoctrinated to side with the Reapers, or if he is even on the same side as the Reapers, is still up in the air until ME3 comes out. But what we do know is that prior to ME3, Cerberus' goal was still along the same lines as Shepard's and the Alliance: stopping the Reapers, and most importantly stopping the Collectors from preying on humans.

Anyway, you're wrong about the personal army. Cerberus and the Shadow Broker were never on the same side during the events of ME2, and they never will now since Liara's replace the yahg. The Shadow Broker's allegiance was to the Collectors, whereas the whole point of resurrecting Shepard by Cerberus was to go after the Collectors, and Cerberus helped Liara wrest control of Shepard's body from the Collectors.

My best guess is that TIM and Cerberus are not in fact complete thralls of the Reapers, but they do not share the same goals as Shepard and the rest of the galaxy in response to the Reapers. They may even have access to Reaper tech somehow. They are undisputedly your adversaries, but are they in fact under the Reapers' control or in league with them? That remains to be seen. Derek Chew 16:44, February 27, 2012 (UTC)

First, calm down. Two, he's amoral, not evil. He has humanity's best intrests at heart. Three, the coup you staged placing liara as the broker could be replicated with cerberus. I never said TIM owned the shadow brokers forces, i was drawing a comparison between the two. Cerberus is undoubetly an enemy, TIM however, remains to be seen. BeoW0lfe|

This is getting off-topic. If you two want to continue this conversation, I strongly suggest starting a post on the Forums. -- Commdor (Talk) 17:37, February 27, 2012 (UTC)

Reapers as advesaries in ME3[]

I believe that the Reapers should be added as adversaries for ME3, considering their major impact on the plot, as well as the fact they are a driving force for the ME3 plot. --Diamond 9124 20:28, March 13, 2012 (UTC)

This article lists major characters, though, and the Reapers aren't an individual character. -- Commdor (Talk) 20:29, March 13, 2012 (UTC)
Geth and Collectors would be listed for the first two games respectively using that logic. Having Harbinger listed under ME3's adversaries section covers the Reapers. LoveWaffle 01:51, March 14, 2012 (UTC)

ME3 Allies[]

I'm not really sure Allers should be in the allies section, considering she's entirely optional and just a reporter. If you put in Allers, you'd also have to put in Dr. Chakwas/Dr. Michel and maybe even start adding other people that come on to the Normandy, like Victus, Legion, and Shala. Just thinking out loud... thoughts? Matt 2108 01:26, March 14, 2012 (UTC)

I thing Allers is listed as an ally because she is romanceable. LoveWaffle 01:47, March 14, 2012 (UTC)

It might be a good idea to add characters like Wrex, the Primarch, Mordin Solus, etc. to the allies since they play a major role by helping Shepard... --Buthane 13:31, March 16, 2012 (UTC)

Yes, I am confused how the section was put together. Chakwas and Diana Allers are both optional, and if you add in Chakwas you'd have to add in Adams, as they play about the same role. Urdnot Bakara should be in ally, as should Legion, Wrex/Wreav and Major Coats IMO. --ThePlatypus 19:03, March 21, 2012 (UTC)

Also, why is Chakwas listed as an ally in ME2 and 3 but not 1? That was her most prominent role... --ThePlatypus 19:03, March 21, 2012 (UTC)
The only problem I foresee is the number of characters becoming unwieldy. Dr. Michel seems redundant, as does Allers, whilst there's a handful of others who could easily fit the position. Despite their importance to the plot, I'd be weary of including anyone who's dead or 'optional'. Wrex and Mordin are of great importance to the plot, but then so are Wreav & Wiks.

Still, for what it's worth, Cmd. Bailey & Victus seem like good candidates. - Goldenboy666 00:48, March 27, 2012 (UTC)

This section seems far too large. Adams, Chakwas, Michel and Allers don't really fit here, especially if suggestions I have previously made for other sections have been rejected due to allegedly not being important enough, then surely these should be removed as well. In fact Id even throw Traynor in with that list. Victus should be added, as should Eve, and perhaps other characters who find themselves on the Normandy for main missions, or who provide important aid to Shepard, such as Mordin/Wiks, Thane/Kirrahe, Legion/Geth VI, Wrex/Wreav, Shala'Raan, etc.Garhdo (talk) 02:57, November 28, 2012 (UTC)

Udina in ME1[]

Why is Udina listed as an ally for ME1? Although he's definitely not an adversary, he acts rather antagonistic towards Shepard throughout the game. LoveWaffle 01:45, March 14, 2012 (UTC)

Becuase he can still get things done. Lancer1289 01:48, March 14, 2012 (UTC)

Harbinger as Adversary in Mass Effect 3[]

I don't think Harbinger should be listed as an adversary in Mass Effect 3. He only appeared for around a minute in the game, and only near the very end. --ThePlatypus 19:30, March 21, 2012 (UTC)

The Thorian[]

Is the Thorian really significant enough to be listed here? He makes only a single appearance in the game, and doesn't impact the plot in the same way as Saren, Sovereign and Benezia. Considering that Harbinger was removed from ME3 adversaries, I'd say the Thorian isn't really important enough to be listed as a ME1 adversary. SilentCircuit 23:25, March 21, 2012 (UTC)

Mass Effect 3 Adversaries[]

A few things: one, I think Harbinger should be added back, as he is clearly identified as the leader of the Reapers who drives the plot, even if he only appears in the flesh (metal.. whatever) in the last thirty minutes. Putting him there also covers the Reapers as a whole. Two, should Donnel Udina and Henry Lawson also be listed, since they are Cerberus-connected antagonists with a place in the main plot? Three, why aren't the Overlord and Kenson adversaries in Mass Effect 2, and why isn't Balak one in the first?

I agree that Harbinger should be re-added. I also think that Kenson should be added as an adversary, but Overlord and Bring Down the Sky are sort of self-contained. --SilentCircuit 00:04, April 16, 2012 (UTC)
Considering Harbinger plays no role in the story aside from the final mission and has no dialogue whatsoever, I again oppose adding him to the ME3 list. Also, Dr. Amanda Kenson can't be added to the Adversaries section of the ME2 list because she's already present in the Temporary Squad Members section. That status supersedes her relatively brief role as an antagonist.
As for Udina and Henry Lawson, I'm on the fence about adding them to ME3 adversaries, but their addition might be appropriate. -- Commdor (Talk) 00:16, April 16, 2012 (UTC)
I think Henry Lawson is a most appropriate addition. He's a bankroller for Cerberus, and is technically the overriding antagonist of Priority: Horizon and probably one of the key reasons why Cerberus has grown in strength as a military force. Udina's relevation as a turncoat was over before it began since Shepard and co. nipped it in the bud. It's compounded by the fact that the Codex heavily implies that Udina wasn't even 100% loyal to Cerberus and considered highly expendable to the Illusive Man, hence he is not a clear cut antagonist.
On a side note, what about Eva Core? She's the only other game boss in a traditional sense besides Kai Leng and the Reaper on Rannoch. Also, support adding Bailey and Victus to the allies section as they are major supporting characters in their own right, and maybe remove Diana Allers since she has no real relevance to the plot whatsoever. Derek Chew 08:08, April 19, 2012 (UTC)

The Collector General and Benezia have just as few appearances as Harbinger and in the former's case just as few lines. They also have a much smaller role in the plot. Harbinger doesn't directly speak to you or anything, but he is clearly acknowledged as the leader of the Reapers, who drive most of the plot.--RandomGuy96 00:19, April 16, 2012 (UTC)

Same for the Thorian.--SilentCircuit 00:21, April 16, 2012 (UTC)
On the contrary, Benezia, the Collector General, and the Thorian play significantly larger roles in their respective games than Harbinger does in ME3 (you see Harbinger for maybe 20 seconds, he has no dialogue, and it's not made immediately apparent to the player that Harbinger is even the Reaper who's shooting at you). Benezia and the Thorian are both major bosses in ME (and Benezia plays a considerable part in Shepard's early investigation of Saren), and the Collector General is the face of the Collector threat and mouthpiece of Harbinger for much of ME2. -- Commdor (Talk) 00:41, April 16, 2012 (UTC)

Still, from a strictly story perspective, Harbinger appears just as many times as Benezia or the Collector General (unless you count the brief cameos they both have at the beginning) and has a much more important role in the plot as the leader of the Reapers. Also, by adding him it also represents the Reapers in general and their role as the main antagonists of the game. --RandomGuy96 00:45, April 16, 2012 (UTC)

Took the words right out of my mouth. Mr. Mittens 00:48, April 16, 2012 (UTC)
(Edit Conflict) Except Harbinger does not play a role in ME3's plot. He's simply the closest thing we know of to a Reaper leader, and that status alone does not warrant his inclusion in the list. We don't list the Citadel Council, even though they're the leaders of the galaxy, for the same reasons. The Characters article is determined by the characters' importance to the story and gameplay of the games and other media, not by their importance from an in-universe perspective. If went with that, this would not be an article about characters, it would be a list of important individuals. -- Commdor (Talk) 00:55, April 16, 2012 (UTC)
I still say he plays a much bigger role than the Collector General. We include him because he was the leader of the Collectors, and represented them as antagonists; I don't see why we aren't doing the same thing with Harbinger.--RandomGuy96 01:02, April 28, 2012 (UTC)

On a side note, I'd support Henry Lawson and probably Udina being added as adversaries if we have characters like the Thorian and the Shadow Broker. --SilentCircuit 00:50, April 16, 2012 (UTC)

I'm not so crazy about that idea. Udina and Lawson play smaller roles in the story, and Udina would also be quite a spoiler. To be honest, I never really liked having the Shadow Broker on here anyway. Mr. Mittens 00:53, April 16, 2012 (UTC)
To be fair, the current picture of the Shadow Broker is also a huge spoiler.--RandomGuy96 00:54, April 16, 2012 (UTC)
Which is why we have the ME2 spoiler tag above the ME2 characters section. -- Commdor (Talk) 00:56, April 16, 2012 (UTC)
He only actually appears once, in a DLC no less. Also, Udina wouldn't really be the only spoiler here. --SilentCircuit 00:59, April 16, 2012 (UTC)

If anything, the Catalyst should be under adversaries. Represents all reapers-- 21:40, July 3, 2012 (UTC)

Catalyst doesn't really behave like an adversary, where as Harbinger does.Mr. Mittens 21:45, July 3, 2012 (UTC)

But it has instructed and commanded the reapers to carry out its goals for eons. Even if the Catalyst is trying to explain its horrific behaviors, that doesn't mean it stops being an adversary. Sure all it can do is direct reapers and not much else, but its the sole reason this brutal cycle ever existed. Worth noting and I don't think its wrong to have it listed as an adversary. Just saying. P.s. Sign your posts-- 21:48, July 3, 2012 (UTC)

Since the Shadow Broker was a DLC character in Mass Effect 2 and is listed on adverseries, shouldn't Balak be listed as an adversary in Mass Effect 1?

Even if we don't really hear or see from Harbinger a lot he's mentioned so many times and held in such high regards by others that it doesn't feel right for him to be left out, at least to me, especially since the Reapers are THE main enemy throughout the game and Harbinger is there leader, they should get some kind of representation on the adversaries list. The Collector General never REALLY speaks either, he's just a mouth-piece, all he really does is act like an operator from the 50's and plug's the connection Harbinger tells him to do --KrimzonStriker (talk) 03:28, November 9, 2012 (UTC)


Should Joker be moved to a playable character in the Mass Effect 2 section?Vorchaoffspring (talk) 06:44, September 27, 2012 (UTC)

You don't play as him for very long, and it's a bit of a spoiler. I's rather it stay where it is. --Mr. Mittens (talk) 07:02, September 27, 2012 (UTC)
Not to mention just look how the article is organized. It wouldn't make any sense. Lancer1289 (talk) 13:14, September 27, 2012 (UTC)

ME2 Squadmates in ME3[]

Should we include them in the "Allies" section? Shepard does technically ally with them, both in their individual missions and in the final battle (even though we don't see them then). ShermTank7272 (talk) 21:34, October 18, 2012 (UTC)

There is no reason to because they don't appear, some at all, and others for only a mission. Lancer1289 (talk) 21:42, October 18, 2012 (UTC)

Mass Effect Infiltrator - bonus protagonist[]

Proposition to add the protagonist of the bonus mission into the character (we could also create a page for him). --DeldiRe 10:45, February 22, 2013 (UTC)

Does the protagonist have a name?Hefe (talk) 19:05, March 6, 2013 (UTC)


Does anybody have an objection to me implementing tabview on this page? With so many sub pages it would be nice not to have to open a new page to see the different information. Phalanx (talk|contibutions) 12:00, March 10, 2013 (UTC)

It was only just changed to this because of how much info was on the page before. This was after Commdor's proposal in the forum. By all means ask there if you want but I don't think you will have much luck my friend. Garhdo (talk) 13:52, March 10, 2013 (UTC)

Mobile games picture[]

Do not think that I'm a fan boy of Randall, it is far from that, but I think that he better represents "mobile games" than Jacob. Don't you think ?--DeldiRe 10:52, March 28, 2013 (UTC)

nah, let him hog the spotlight for a change. ME:G has even less love (from what i've been seeing) than ME:I. it sure needs the extra exposure. T̴̴͕̲̞̳̖̼̱͒͛̎͒ͫ̃ͧeͩ̈̽̈҉͓̝̰̼̦̫̤̀͠m̫̪̪̯̻͎̫̅̇̓̇͌̚p̸̙̝̓̓͌ͨ͆ͣͥ̂̕o͒̽͐̽͏̞̬̻͕͔͕͚̰͍͠͞ṙ̢̞͚͈̹̰ͨ̓ͭ̈́̌ạ̢̧̪̹̺̺̣̹̲͂͆̏ͪͨ͒ͭř̹͈͜͠y̷͍̻̜̹̼̾̽̈́e̵̹̼̟̦͚͐̈́͌͘d͉̲̣̻͉̱͗̅ḭ̷̻̆͋̆̓̔͝t̨͍̦̫̗͂̅̍̋̆ͩ͝ộ̫̟̬̳̝̲̾ͫ̒̿ͮ̑̚rͯ̎ͨͭ̄̿̽͛҉̠̫̱̠̘̘̲́ͅ7̩̻ͤͩͨ͝͡8̜̣̙͇̻ͨ͛͛̆͒̆̽̒͐͜͡ ͥ̍̉̃̇ͥ̓ͨ͏̕҉̥̹͓̗̤̠̖̤ (talk) 11:03, March 28, 2013 (UTC)
When you put the Jacob's victim status in front of me, who am I to argue ? :D --DeldiRe 11:15, March 28, 2013 (UTC)