After completing this quest/mission/game-appropriate name, I was rewarded with the standard "Efficiency Increase: Medi-gel" without an explanation of what that meant. Will it heal me to more than 100% health? Does it increase the range for me to revive companions?
If anyone knows the game mechanics for this upgrade, I would appreciate knowing it.
Villagereaver 17:37, May 29, 2012 (UTC)
^As far as I have observed the Efficiency Increase has the effect of replenishing more than 1 unit of Medi-gel each time you open a Medkit - you get 2 units instead (maybe more, never had more than 2 units missing). --Eisengreifer (talk) 19:23, September 2, 2012 (UTC)
Medi-gel Efficiency Upgrade Testing[]
As the page correctly states, the Efficiency Increase upgrade you receive from Chakwas creates a chance that medi-gel will not be expended when using First Aid. However the exact chance of this happening per use of First Aid, to my knowledge, was not previously known, so I decided to do some basic, raw, data-gathering the hard way to find out once and for all what the probability is to satisfy my OCD.
- Testing Procedure
Some recent playtesting during the fight with the clone Shepard gave me the idea to use the "infinite" burning duration of the grenades the clone throws as a way to constantly take health damage so that medi-gel could be "spammed" for bulk data gathering on this upgrade. So that's what I did, with the aid of PC Console (OT, Insanity) to constantly refill my medi-gel stocks ('initmedigel') and also prevent the clone from interfering too much and to prevent my squad from killing the clone to end the battle prematurely ('killenemies').
- Results
Doing this I was able to get some good samples:
- Sample 1: out of 107 uses of First Aid, medi-gel was only expended 55 times. 55/107 = .514
- Sample 2: out of 100 uses of First Aid, medi-gel was only expended 51 times. 51/100 = .51
- Sample 2: out of 100 uses of First Aid, medi-gel was only expended 50 times. 50/100 = .51
Conclusion: I think the above makes pretty clear that the Efficiency Increase effectively doubles your medi-gel stock, providing a 50% chance of medi-gel not being expended when using First Aid. Neo89515 (talk) 17:35, 20 July 2021 (UTC)
Upgrade in NG+[]
Dr. Michel upgrade carries over but Chakwas doesn't. I did a first playthrough with Chakwas, then a 2nd with Michel and I have imported again to a 3rd for a quick test in the prologue. I'm doing this in a computer, not console.
With the trilogy save editor I can verify in this 3rd playthrough that the variable plot ME3PlotAddedMaxMedigel remains at 7 (3 initial plus 7 = 10) while neither normandy.upgrades.Max_medigel_bonus (michel bonus) nor normandy.upgrades.Medigel_2_for_1 (chakwas bonus) bool plot variables are enabled. If I use medigel out of 10 none have been reused. None of Michel variables are enabled either. Only max medigel is modified and carried over.
In the 2nd playthrough it didn't either. I got the bonus from Michel but the medigel kept being spent at the same pace despite Chakwas being marked by plot variables 19508 chakwas.declined_recruit and 20561 chakwas.returned_to_normandy. One could think the game checks that last variable to apply her bonus. But no, it's normandy.upgrades.Medigel_2_for_1. If I set to true that variable then the medigel gets reused.
If you want to have both bonuses in the least amount of playthroughs you have to choose first Dr. Michel. Or use the trilogy editor and enable normandy.upgrades.Medigel_2_for_1 (and set ME3PlotAddedMaxMedigel to 7 if it is not already and if you want to keep within game limits). Flossgamer (talk) 19:38, 5 October 2024 (UTC)
- Thanks for the input. Since this is basically a bug / not working as intended, it would need 1 more corroborating user before it could go on the page per Wiki rules. Is your game unmodded? Neo89515 (talk) 13:32, 6 October 2024 (UTC)
- No mods in the first playthrough. Afterwards I installed LE3 Community Patch applied (https://www.nexusmods.com/masseffectlegendaryedition/mods/13). Flossgamer (talk) 18:43, 6 October 2024 (UTC)