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This is the talk page for Far Rim.
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"The exiled quarians also have a presence is this area in the Migrant Fleet."

That doesn't quite make sense to me, I have not changed it because I don't know if its an in game description or not, nor am I 100% sure what the sentence was supposed to be.

Not sure about the in-game part, but I don't see how it doesn't make sense. The first sentence notes that this is the edge of what is considered geth space. The second sentence notes that, at present, the quarians also have a presence in the area, as the Migrant Fleet is there at the moment. It's really straight-forward, and literally means exactly what it says. SpartHawg948 20:08, June 21, 2010 (UTC)
Sorry that was me before forgot to sign. The reason I am confused is because the Migrant Fleet is in the Valhallan Threshold. --Looq 20:47, June 21, 2010 (UTC)
Ah. Well that clears things up a bit more. Next time, including all the info in the initial post might be nice. :P Seriously though, the Migrant Fleet as a whole is elsewhere, but they do have operations (and a military presence) in the area, as is clearly seen in-game. SpartHawg948 20:57, June 21, 2010 (UTC)