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This is the talk page for Nepheron.
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Still needs a map image. --ashtonium 23:11, 4 June 2008 (UTC)

Mummified Salarian[]

I suspect that there was either a slight continuity error here since the text says This Cerberus soldier... and I would have thought that all Cerberus soldiers would, perforce, have to be human. Perhaps this is just another case of re-/over-use of an existing art asset? -- DRY 23:41, 1 July 2008 (UTC)

I just came across this tidbit myself, never thought about it until having played ME2. kinda odd when you fridge logic it. Guess he it explains why he's dead though, Cerberus doesn't seem like the right kinda crowd for a salarian. Arbiter099 03:08, March 4, 2011 (UTC)

Strange Sounds[]

Upon landing on Nepheron's surface, I immediately heard some strange sounds that sounded like the sounds that the Space Monkeys on Eletania make when examining the Space Monkeys for the data module. These sounds continued to be heard until I moved away from where the Mako landed on the planet's surface. Has anyone else noticed these strange sound effects when landing on Nepheron? 23:02, June 11, 2011 (UTC)

Moon on Nepheron[]

Looking up and to the west, one can find a very close orbiting moon obscured mostly by clouds.

 18:35, July 7, 2013 (UTC)