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This is the talk page for Omega: Assist the Mechanic.
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To simply add the ID 68274 to the Bool is not enough. You must do the following in Gibbed Save Editor (thanks to PoliteHanar for solving it):

"68274 is the Quest ID. - go to Raw > Plot > Quest IDs > Collection and scroll down until you find 68274; note the number left of the ID; return to main window - in Raw > Plot > Quest Progress > Collection find the member with this number and open History > Collection; click on "Add" (this will add member 0 with value 0), then OK. Alternatively, if Shepard returned to Aria's bunker without the Kehri inverter, set BOOL 23205 to TRUE to add it to the "inventory"; you can now talk with the mechanic and the mission will be marked as completed."

If you failed to complete this quest and want to mark it as "complete" in your journal, its ID in Gibbed's save editor is 68274

Backeby (talk) 20:43, September 13, 2013 (UTC)

The quest is indeed stuck in my journal, but what should I do with this ID to make it mark as complete/disappear?