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Disambiguous This article is about information and tactics on fighting Tela Vasir. For general information, see Tela Vasir.

Tela Vasir is an asari Spectre revealed to be an agent of the Shadow Broker. She leads Commander Shepard and Liara T'Soni into an action-packed chase around Illium's skyways, ultimately crashing into Hotel Azure. Bleeding badly, she doesn't limp far before Shepard and company catch up with her. Taking a hostage doesn't help her much, so she faces off against Shepard's team.

Her wounds eventually take a toll on her and she succumbs to her injuries after a protracted battle.



Tela is armed with a M-15 Vindicator and will use Shockwave to dislodge you from cover while inflicting damage. She can summon reinforcements consisting of Rocket Drones and Shadow Broker Engineers. She also has an extra-powerful version of Biotic Charge that causes major damage in a wide radius around her and knocking anyone caught in the blast off balance, though it has an extensive charge time that allows Shepard to get out of range; she can also be interrupted during this period, preventing the attack.


Tela's barrier and armor are extraordinarily strong and she will use Charge to teleport around the battlefield many times. Once her defenses are down she is vulnerable to most biotics such as Dominate and Throw; other abilities with a force component such as the detonation of Tech Armor and Concussive Shot; and she can be frozen. Vasir's weapon can also be overheated by Overload and Disruptor Ammo once her defenses are down, but she recovers from this very quickly.

Beyond the small amount of damage it deals, Flashbang Grenade has no effect on Vasir whatsoever, even when her defenses are down. Vasir is also immune to the crippling stun effect that the Arc Projector can cause on most organic enemies.

While her barriers or armor are still up, Vasir is totally immune to the normal "hold" effects of both Singularity and the shots of the M-490 Blackstorm—the vortices collapse quickly upon hitting her directly, though once she is down to just her health bar it's a different story.


General Tactics

  • Tela is one of the toughest enemies in the game in a straight up fight. She will try to keep some distance from you to use her assault rifle. Once significant damage has been done to her barrier, she will exit the area and summon a squad of two Engineers and two Rocket Drones on you. She will do this again once enough damage has been done to her armor. She can knock you out of cover with a Shockwave, and her Charge can stun you, so be careful about engaging at range; of course if you engage her close up she can just shoot you so it's somewhat of a "pick your poison" choice. Once her armor is down, hit her with a biotic Pull or Liara's Singularity and finish her off; falling off the edge of the battlefield for any reason will instantly kill her, saving the trouble of having to wear down her health.
  • Vasir's Shockwave is very dangerous but she performs an animation before casting (similar to Shepard or Jack's cast animations) that is often accompanied by a verbal taunt and a warning from Liara that can give you enough time to duck out of cover and sprint to the side to avoid it. If you are hit by the attack, Vasir will usually follow up on you with her weapon while you're stunned out of cover which can kill you on higher difficulties. Other ways to protect yourself against this nasty combo are to either have Liara place Vasir in Stasis, or to hit Unity right before you're hit by the Shockwave so the medi-gel healing will deploy while you're stunned and getting shot, but you can only do this if you or your squadmates are not already at full health and shields prior to the shockwave.
  • Liara's Stasis is a vital ability as it can stun Vasir even if her protection is still up, and turns her into a sitting duck once it wears off. If you use Stasis just before Vasir charges down after a wave, the resulting ragdoll will (usually) fall backwards instead of off the ledge. This causes the next wave to start sooner than normal and, after the final wave, will end the battle without having to bring down her health. This method isn't always possible due to the line-of-sight requirement to use Stasis. To keep her in sight, try staying in the center of the map below where she charges from after every wave. Enhanced Stasis is the best evolution of the power to use as otherwise it's harder to use Stasis as often as needed without causing Vasir to become immune.
    • Another useful feature of putting Vasir in Stasis is that any downed squadmates will revive, likely because there are no "active" enemies while she is affected by the power.
  • For all classes, having a loyal Jack in the party to provide her Warp Ammo to the team is an excellent way to deal more damage to Vasir's formidable barrier (which is actually stronger than that of a Praetorian). Warp Ammo is also a bonus power option for Shepard.
  • Vasir seems to be more vulnerable to powers during her biotic attack's charge time, so unleash squad powers on her for greater damage. Hitting Vasir with two or more powers will also prevent her from using this Charge attack against Shepard, which could save you some time.
  • The Cain will not destroy her outright, it will just damage her barrier.
  • Because she frequently uses Charge, it can be difficult to target her for more than a couple seconds before she moves out of your line of sight. Using an ability or weapon that can track moving targets, like Warp, can be helpful.
    • Also, you could use any biotic abilities such as Charge or Shockwave, to knock Vasir off the edge of the map, instantly ending the boss fight.
  • Unless she is disabled, Vasir will almost never stay in one place long enough for Grunt (or anyone else) to get in melee range, but even if he is able to get close, he will not use his charge attack on her.
  • The Collector Particle Beam is a great source of anti-barrier damage especially for classes like the Engineer that lack it otherwise.
  • Vasir can be frozen once her defenses are down. A single shot from the M-622 Avalanche is a great way to finish her off at this point as it can keep her frozen for about 30 seconds.

Class Specific Tactics

  • If you are a Vanguard, a good tactic is to somehow strip her out of her barrier, then equip a shotgun and Incendiary Ammo and pursue her around all the map with your own Charge attack, shooting in her face as soon as you make contact with her. That also makes this encounter a spectacular biotic fight. If you're using a shotgun that is effective against barriers (for example, the Geth Plasma Shotgun), you can use Charge to chase her around the battlefield from the start of the fight.
  • The soldier can use the Collector Particle Beam or the Geth Plasma Shotgun to destroy her barrier. For her armor and health you can switch to your pistol or sniper rifle with Inferno Ammo armed. Finally, when her health bar is exposed, Cryo Ammo can keep freezing her while you keep working down her health with guns and melee attacks. Cryo Ammo can be effective for this even with just a single point invested, but if you max it out, evolve Squad Cryo Ammo and you can give it to Liara and your other squadmate to keep freezing her while you keep Incendiary Ammo active for yourself. Heavy pistols and rifles like the M-96 Mattock reliably trigger the freezing effects.
  • The Engineer's Combat Drone is a fairly effective distraction against Vasir causing her to shift her attention to it as long as it's functioning, however she can kill it in two bursts of her rifle tops. A drone will cause her to teleport away soon if it gets close to her but even at a distance a drone should still draw her attention until destroyed provided it is closer to her than Shepard is.
  • The Sentinel's Tech Armor is an excellent life insurance policy against Vasir and can help you survive if you get caught in her Shockwave or if she teleports on top of you. If the shield survives the immediate burst of damage from her, consider using medi-gel to recharge your shields instead of recasting the Armor as Unity's cooldown is much shorter. Once Vasir is down to her health bar, the detonation of Tech Armor will knock her down and the range is large so she can be hit some distance away.
  • Vasir is fooled by the Infiltrator's Tactical Cloak, so use it if you get caught flat-footed to help you escape. This can be a double-edged sword, as Vasir will turn her attention to your squad while you are invisible, and Liara especially is valuable in this fight for her Stasis ability.