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Mass Effect Wiki
The Collective Base

You've learned that the Collective built a hideout deep within one of the cave networks in Draullir.


Prerequisite: Hunting the Archon

The mission is attainable once you gain free access to the rest of Kadara. If you explore the caves of Draullir you may encounter a door in the middle of nowhere. Lynx and a salarian greet your party and welcome you to the Collective Base, announcing that their leader the Charlatan doesn't want you dead for now. Note: This mission is NOT available if High Noon is completed first and you side with Sloane Kelly, the base will instead be open and occupied by enemies.


This is a simple "talk to people" mission. No combat nor any other stakes is to be had.

Speak to Crux[]

Talk to the brown-uniformed brunette who exudes an air of authority

Crux is the leader of the base and has a problem with someone who is faking the Charlatan's orders - giving bad intel. It has already gotten two recruits killed. You can either offer to help as an outsider so as not to spook the culprit, or simply wish Crux good luck. Either way, once the conversation is over this mission is also over.

If you offered to aid the investigation, the followup mision The Charlatan's Charlatan starts after the conversation. If not, talk to Crux again about the impostor. She won't make any progress until you pledge to help.

