Mass Effect Wiki
Mass Effect Wiki
Mass Effect Wiki
Everybody's favorite hangout whether they like it or not

The Paradise is an establishment run by the merchant Annea on Elaaden. Newcomers are encouraged to seek out Annea here, as she controls the only known water supply on the world.

The Paradise sits on a butte at the edge of a gaping chasm on Paradise Sands, surrounded by support structures and connected to the main landmass via rails. While all buildings in the immediate area are technically under control of the Paradise, everything outside of the butte is classified as territory of the Paradise Sands. Three of the four shuttle pads in the area are fully or partially situated in Paradise Sands, with the sole exception being fully inside the butte alongside the main building.

If Pathfinder Ryder investigates Annea's water source and decides to share its location instead of keeping it secret, Annea grows furious and disappears from the Paradise. She is replaced by an Andromeda Initiative merchant who doesn't follow her previously advantageous buy/sell rates.


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