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Truth and Trespass

An anonymous message suggests sinister motives behind the capture of the salarian ark. Follow the leads to uncover the truth.


After returning to the Tempest after completing the objective "Meet The Pathfinders" of the prerequisite mission above, Kallo Jath sends an email that requests to speak to you after receiving an anonymous message.

About the Paarchero

To: Ryder
From: Kallo

Hello, Ryder:

Please come and talk to me when you have a chance. We just received something very odd. I think it's connected to the salarian ark.



Speak with Kallo[]

Kallo has received an anonymous audio message from someone claiming that the Paarchero was not captured by chance. There's no more information. If you want to know more, you'll have to go meet the sender on Havarl.

Go to the meeting point on Havarl[]

The meeting point is in the cave at the south end of the Chasm of the Builders ravine, near the entrance to Mithrava Ascent

Stop the ambush[]

As Pathfinder Ryder and the squad jump over the wall which looks down on the meeting point, a kett shuttle arrives, with an Anointed and several Chosen. Defeat the enemies.

Search the area[]

Two large cases are in the area to be scanned. One contains Dry Rations and second contains Capture Gear (a net launcher, restraints, and sedatives); clearly, the kett were planning to take someone alive. There is a container in the area that can be looted.

Examining the case after scanning it reveals who that someone is: Major Saelen Varn of the STG, now retired, who emerges from the shadows and introduces himself to Ryder. Varn believes that the capture of the ark wasn't by chance. His best suspect is the biologist Dr. Medrow Aden, who is studying the kett, and he needs a Pathfinder to determine the truth of the matter. (Varn didn't go to the salarian Pathfinder with this because he's not sure he can trust the salarian Pathfinder's team not to be part of the conspiracy, but Ryder obviously had nothing to do with what happened to the salarian ark.)

Varn needs Ryder to examine Dr. Aden's equipment and a kett who might be Dr. Aden's handler. Both can be found on Voeld.

Ryder is awarded +29 AVP AVP icon and +2% Havarl viability.

The two objectives gained from Varn can be completed in any order.

Scan evidence from kett handler on Voeld[]

The kett handler can be found at a small base in the open on Voeld northeast of Techiix. Even if the vault has been activated during Restoring a World this will still be a hazard area, so fight into the inside of the building quickly to get warm if Ryder is unable to dispatch the kett quickly. Ryder will be fighting several Chosen, a Destined, and an Anointed. The handler himself has armor, unusual for a kett. There is a container that can be looted.

Scanning the handler shows that he has a Milky Way transceiver implanted under his skin, for some reason.

Ryder is awarded +29 AVP AVP icon and +2% Voeld viability.

Scan Dr. Aden's equipment on Voeld[]

Dr. Aden's equipment is in the back of the Techiix settlement, which can be easily reached from a Forward Station. There are three pieces of equipment. Each piece of Lab Equipment can be scanned for +10 Rd icon heleus orange (+30 Rd icon heleus orange total). The mass spectrometer shows signs of chemicals used in the exaltation process, which may be evidence against Aden, but doesn't really prove anything. There is a container in the room that can be looted.

Ryder is awarded +29 AVP AVP icon and +2% Voeld viability.

When both of these steps are completed, Ryder decides to consult the salarian Pathfinder on the Nexus (This will either be Zevin Raeka or Lumont Hayjer depending upon Ryder's prior choices).

Speak to Raeka/Hayjer about your findings[]

The salarian Pathfinder can be found on Nexus, and thinks there's probably something to all this, but can't get ark leadership to do anything either, and therefore suggests that Ryder visit the apartment of Rand Lon, an Ark officer who was woken up early. If Lon won't talk, perhaps the scanner will pick up something.

Search Rand Lon's apartment[]

Lon's apartment is with the other apartments near the docking bay on the Nexus. Lon isn't home and the door is locked, but SAM can hack it.

  • Inside, a terminal has some messages which are either strangely worded or coded.

Cost-Benefit Assessment

To: Rand Lon
 From: Niost Hern

Here are the estimates you asked for, adjusted for current inflation on the Nexus:

- MTF: 12400 credits
 - MTQ-N: 8000 credits
 - MMP - 6500 credits

Congratulations again on the Paarchero's safe return.

N. Hern

Re: Invitation

To: Rand Lon
From: Oben Keld

I appreciate even one reply. Twelve invites in twelve days have kept me distracted! I hope those three junior staff are still accompanying you?

It's probably simpler to book space for twelve on the Commons, and four on the mezzanine (plus one, just in case). That way if we need one more place, we're prepared.

See you on the eighteenth!


Prescription Refill Reminder

This is an automated reminder for: Technical Officer Rand Lon

Your prescription is ready to pick up from: Medical Dispensary 02

Auto-generated by MedMonitor VI
  • Scanning the personal terminal reveals that data was recently cleaned from it.
  • Scanning the plant in the kitchen reveals a cotton fiber with a neurodepressant chemical stuck to one leaf.
  • Scanning the bed reveals that Lon, or someone else in the room, has tracked back dust from an alien world.
  • Scanning the coffee table reveals a talcum powder spill.
  • Scanning the kitchen counter reveals what Lon had for breakfast; these last two probably won't be very important to the investigation.

SAM believes he can determine exactly where the dust came from. When everything's scanned, the next objective will start.

Leave Rand Lon's apartment[]

Ryder bumps into Rand Lon at the door to the apartment while leaving. The upshot of the conversation is that Lon says Varn is being paranoid, and that Ryder shouldn't bother with the investigation. But there's still the matter of that dust, so...

Go to the navpoint on Elaaden[]

The navpointMEA Tracked Objective Map Iconis in the Hell's Promise region in the far north on Elaaden. Fast travel to either forward station in the north and travel either northwest or northeast (depending upon the forward station chosen). Keep in mind that this area is not all that close to shade or a forward station, so watch life support if Elaaden's environment is still hostile. The navpoint is near a crashed shuttle. Nothing else visible but a lot of sand.

Scan the ground[]

On the northwest side of the shuttle, Ryder will be able to scan footprints, which indicate that multiple individuals dragged something heavy off to the southwest.

Follow the tracks[]

Over the ridge, Ryder will see a bunch of scavengers around a large piece of machinery MEA Structure Map Icon. The trail leads right to the scavengers.

Defeat the scavengers[]

There is not much cover here, and Ryder will be facing 2 Adhi, an Anarchist, and a bunch of Raiders. Defeat the enemies. Ryder will find Saelen Varn here after the battle, injured but alive.

Help Saelen[]

A little medi-gel gets Varn on his feet; Ryder learns that Dr. Aden had him shot with a poisoned dart. Ryder will also learn that that Varn hasn't met Ryder before. Dr. Aden was impersonating Varn earlier, using a stolen camouflage device. Apparently, Ryder's scanner is powerful enough to wipe data from the communication system Aden's been using, so Ryder's investigation so far has accomplished nothing except covering Aden's tracks.

Varn's convinced that there's a conspiracy here. Even though Aden is guilty, a biologist wouldn't have been able to change the Paarchero's course and hand it over to the kett, so others had to be involved. Fortunately, the dart offers leverage over Aden, since it can provide evidence that Aden's guilty of attempting to murder Varn, at least. This means that Ryder can draw Aden out into a meeting on neutral ground, which turns out to be a set of caves on Kadara.

There is a large orange container on the machinery platform that can be looted.

Ryder is awarded +29 AVP AVP icon and +2% Elaaden viability.

Speak to the impostor in Kadara's caves[]

Travel to the forward station in the Sulfur Springs region and head south to the navpoint at the entrance of a cave. (The cave itself is located just inside the Draullir region.)

As Ryder enters the cave, SAM warns that there's toxic gas present. Inside the cave, Ryder finds the Fake Varn, but Ryder isn't willing to play along with the charade any further.

Note: The container next to Fake Varn/Aden will vanish after concluding the mission, so loot it before talking to Aden.

So Dr. Aden reveals himself, just as the real Varn shows up. Aden reveals that his group, believing that the kett were invincible, decided to pretend to be collaborators in order to infiltrate the kett and destroy them later. (Dialogue here will be a bit different depending on whether the main mission has been completed before this mission or not.)

Aden claims to have a lot of valuable intel on the kett, and wants to trade that intel for freedom for the conspirators. Ryder can accept the deal or arrest him.

If the deal is accepted

The Kett: Secret Intelligence codex entry becomes available.

If the deal is rejected

Major Saelen Varn arrests Aden and will search for the other conspirators. Major Varn will show up as an ally for the final battle during Meridian: The Way Home.


If Ryder accepted Aden's deal, this email comes in:

The last person you want to hear from

To: Ryder
From: Dr. Medrow Aden

I should be brief. No doubt the good Major Saelen Varn is watching any comm channels I might use.

The others and I understand the huge responsibility we face for what we've done. In addition to the details I've sent to your SAM, we intend to quietly filter intelligence to the militia and feed falsified data back to the kett -- as much as we dare. Small degrees of change, but even that could make a great difference down the line.

Lastly, thank you... for calling me despicable. I need to remember that. As I must remember the screams aboard the Archon's flagship.

Dr. Medrow Aden

If Ryder ordered Aden's arrest, this email comes in:

Arrests are underway

To: Ryder
From: Saelen Varn


I thought you'd like to know we caught Rand Lon. Or "Lanton Rel," as he was going by on Kadara. Your activities caused a panic amongst the other conspirators, it seems: we've already caught Oben Keld and Niost Hern. It's only a matter of time until we "persuade" them or that scumbag Aden to give up the others.

Well, I say "we" -- I'm writing this from my hospital bed post-surgery, holding the dart they yanked out of me. The doctors seem quite perturbed by it all. Once this medication wears off, I look forward to finding out what actual peace and quiet is like. Unless the Ark Paarchero authorities need a counter-terrorism consultant, I suppose?


Major Saelen Varn, STG (Ret.)



  • Accepting or rejecting Dr. Aden's deal may have repercussions in future stories set in Andromeda.[1]

