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Mass Effect Wiki
Turian Ark: Not Dead Yet

The turian ark has been missing since its arrival in Heleus. Turians wearing Ark Natanus uniforms have been spotted on Havarl. Find them to gain information about what happened to the ark.


On gaining access to Havarl merely exploring the Turian Camp southeast from the Central Wilds is enough to acquire the mission. A group of Roekaar immediately spawn and attack the camp once you approach.

Alternatively, this mission can be acquired after the rescue of Kiiran Dals' team, or by e-mail after the rescue of imprisoned Resistance members on Voeld. It has 1-2 extra objectives compared to the version above, although it also concludes at the same thing.

Turians on Havarl

To: Ryder
From: Kandros


I'm getting reports about turian sightings on Havarl. Since it's an angaran world, I was hoping you could check it out. APEX isn't noted for their diplomatic talents: this needs discretion.



If you acquired the mission through exploration, skip the first two objectives as they do not apply to your playthrough. Otherwise, read the walkthrough normally: top to bottom.

Speak to Torvar about the turians[]

Talk to Assistant Torvar at Pelaav Research Station. He says that, sometime ago, he saw crashed aliens near the station. He gives Pathfinder Ryder a navpointMEA Tracked Objective Map Icon for investigation. Torvar may not discuss the turians depending on progress in other Harvarl missions, but the navpoint will be on the map anyway.

Find the turian encampment[]

Head to the navpoint in the southern path west of the Chasm of the Builders. Upon approach, you'll find that the Turian Camp is being attacked by Roekaar forces.

Defend turians from the Roekaar[]

Outnumbered with a crappy gun, but still holding his own

Defeat the Roekaar in the camp. Don't worry about the turians or the enemies dying; neither side actually takes injuries until your intervention.

The turians have erected a number of barricades for you to take cover on if under heavy fire. Since the Roekaar always arrive at the camp faster than you, you can use the outer barricades to whittle them down from the outside going in.

Be prepared as another wave will arrive via dropship at the entrance of the camp as soon as the first is defeated. Enemy composition in both waves is standard Roekaar Raiders, Roekaar Saboteurs, and Roekaar Sharpshooters, in numerous amounts.

Should you require them, there are two pairs of health and ammo supply caches plus a single health cache in the combat zone.

Once you've defeated all enemies, you can take a pass around the area for their drops and other various claimables. There's a visible memory trigger here for Ryder Family Secrets. In the trigger's immediate vicinity are two containers, a small and a large one. Next to a worklight is an Adapted Initiative Core Tech (+100Rd icon milkyway orange). On top of two crates are two datapads containing personal logs.

Also take a peek in the places beneath the walls bounding the camp, as most of the area's mineral deposits are there on rocks. There are about 5 nickel and 3 platinum nodes in the camp. There are also three containers here: one next to a tree and some rocks by the camp entrance east wall, one along the south wall, and one along the north wall beyond the Adapted Initiative Core Tech.

Speak with the turian leader[]

The Turian Leader introduces himself as Avitus Rix. Unfortunately, he doesn't know where the Natanus is, and most of the turians are still missing, including their Pathfinder. He suggests tracing the fallen debris and stasis pods from the ark, at which point the mission is put on hold while you search for Ark Natanus survivors or debris.

Ryder receives +530 XP, +29 AVP AVP icon, and +2% Havarl viability.

Keep an eye out for Ark Natanus survivors or debris[]

The mission will complete automatically on first landing on Kadara and this subsection will be removed.

The follow-up mission is started automatically: Turian Ark: Lost But Not Forgotten.

