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An Alliance base in the Acheron system in the Styx Theta cluster may be in danger. Get to the base and find out what is going on.


The plot on Noveria must be completed first before gaining access to the gateway cluster Styx Theta.

Regardless of whether you finished UNC: Listening Post Alpha first or not, this assignment will be given to you already marked complete when you obtain its journal entry from the terminal at the farthest end of the facility. If you finished the other assignment before doing this one, Lt. Durand mentions a listening post going offline 3 days ago, though no journal entry is given.


Pack a lot of omni-gel for repairing the Mako and scout ahead for secluded secure spots in the outside environment. This precaution may be necessary: the enemies here have attacks that can bypass shields.

Powers such as Neural Shock, Throw and Lift will be useful here. Shields on the other hand will be useless, as well as talents intended to overheat shields and weapons. Damage prevention and toxic resistance armor mods will come in handy, as well as Shredder, Hammerhead, and Sledgehammer rounds.


This is one of the few assignments where you get the associated journal entry after finishing it, and therefore this walkthrough assumes you haven't actually done this yet.

The critters outside are much more of a threat than the ones inside

After landing on Altahe, head to the Alliance base at the south center of the map. The base is defended by four nests with three Rachni Soldiers apiece.

Approach all four, one at a time, and eliminate the rachni that come up. Feel free to use the Mako as a spit shield when you're on foot or to finish them off entirely if you don't care for the experience loss.

Once the creatures have been neutralized enter the base on the north side of the structure.

When you enter the underground base it is relatively clear. The first room has couple of defense barriers turned outward and a corpse in the back. Behind the center barrier are two Hardened Weapon Lockers (both hard decryption).

Aren't they just cute

The main room holds only eight Rachni Workers and two Rachni Soldiers. Take out the workers before they have a chance to explode near you or the squad. There are a couple of explosive cryo containment cells in the room, one near the entrance, and you'll have to be quick in aiming for them since the workers run fast.

The main room has an aid station just in front of the entrance and an upgrade kit near the door going deeper to the facility.

The room to the left (southeast) appears to be a sleeping quarters and contains a wetware kit, 2 storage lockers (both easy decryption), and a lootable malfunctioning object. There are also charred corpses and strange triangular eggs: these eggs can be destroyed and nothing else.

The room to the right (southwest) appears to be the facility's comm room and has all the assignment objectives on the world. In terms of loot it only has a malfunctioning object to the left-hand side from the room entrance. Access the Emergency FTL Comm to the left of the terminal to hear a distress call from Lt. Durand and get the UNC: Listening Post Alpha assignment. If you have completed the other listening post assignment already, you will be given the UNC: Depot Sigma-23 assignment.



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