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Mass Effect Wiki
  • Warning Spoilers Follow

So I just finished Leviathan literally about 10 minutes ago, so I am creating this blog to get my thoughts out.


I enjoyed the story, I thought it was cool that the Leviathan(s) resembled Reapers, and that there are more than one so they are not extinct just yet.

I did like that it finally gives you a chance to have a conversation with a person who is indoctrinated, without them trying to kill you.

Honestly, thats all I can say right now.


The length of the DLC was surprisingly long, and consisted of about three different missions, all of them involving Reaper forces.

The DLC also gives you many interesting weapon, and two new weapons (although one of the weapons it gives you isn't really new, but I'll talk about this latter).

Additionally, it give you the first Mass Effect underwater sequence (although it was pretty short).

Things that annoyed me[]

So in this section, I'm just going to list things that bothered me, most of them are pretty minor though.

  • James "Biff" Vega appearing out of nowhere mid-way through the DLC just to get some face time.
  • Shepard doesn't question the Leviathan about the Catalyst, even though the Leviathan made it clear that it has watched previous cycles.
  • You don't get the Leviathan as a War Asset (even though it promised it's help), instead you get some Leviathan Controlled husks (or something like that).
  • The annoying way you have to find locations using the galaxy map in Bryson's lab.


In conclusion, although the Leviathan DLC had some minor annoyances, I still enjoyed i and would recommend it to anyone.
