Mass Effect Wiki
Mass Effect Wiki

Hello everyone, like many people I was Blinded by my dislike of the endings and my dislike and disbelief of them was so bad that i fooled myself into believing this false theory, thus i grew desperate and blind enough to try to defend it. after a week or two of denial on the wiki and people asking me to stop i came to the realization that i may actually be in denial and my take on the endings started to divide as did my beliefs in the indoctrination theory. in the time before that i thought i was being unjustly attacked and in the end after realizing i had written some outrageous stuff, i realized i was the blind one. hear is how i turned from it, i started examining videos of endings and remembering previous endings i had seen, i realized my memory of what i had seen in the refusal ending and the other endings and the Indoctrination theory buster video were a perfect match, confirming my denial to me and the false hood of the theory. at that point my defense and support for the theory was officially withdrawn. there are times wish the endings had been a bit better but i have since come to terms with theses conflicts i have with the endings.
