Mass Effect Wiki
Mass Effect Wiki
Feron and the Info Drone chilling on the Video Archive's lounge

The Video Archive is a chamber on the Shadow Broker Base where the Shadow Broker keeps archived video clips of observed people all over the galaxy. Commander Shepard can view these surveillance footage at their leisure following Liara T'Soni's takeover of the base.


The room is located behind the Intel Center's main console, reachable through some stairs and a footway. It consists of a waiting lounge at one end and the archive itself on the other end. Feron relaxes on a sofa in the lounge, and ambient music in the room can be changed through a datapad at the table beside him. The archive is on a raised circular platform where videos are displayed on a screen and can be zoomed in if necessary.

All surveillance footage have audio, but are unintelligible, requiring context cues to understand what's transpiring on the screen. The Broker's Info Drone identifies the videos as they are presented. Clips are presented in batches, with more revealed in subsequent visits to the archive.


Cut Content[]

At least three additional videos were cut during development. Their exact content remains unknown, but they are described as depicting Detective Anaya on Illium, Tali'Zorah on Haestrom, and Mordin Solus on Sur'Kesh.[1]

