Location: Milky Way / Hourglass Nebula / Faryar System / Sixth planet
Prerequisite: Priority: Thessia (Mass Effect 3)
Wenrum ("white knight") takes its name from a salarian story in the Romantic period of a knight who refused all temptation to riches, carnality, and even flavorful food until justice was served to the poor and oppressed. The planet is named because of its white, highly reflective surface, composed mainly of titanium dioxide and ice and no atmosphere to speak of to dim its albedo.
Mineral Deposits[]
Initial Scanner Result: Rich
Mineral | Amount | Approximate Value |
Palladium | High | 12,300 |
Platinum | Medium | 8,000 |
Iridium | Medium | 7,300 |
Element Zero | None | 0 |