Mass Effect Wiki
Mass Effect Wiki

The Wild Adhi is a wildlife unit that can be found on Voeld, Havarl, Kadara, and Elaaden. They are medium-sized, reptile-like, quadrupedal creatures with two pairs of eyes and toothy jaws. A large, spiny fin runs down the length of their back, stopping at their long tail.

Certain factions are able to domesticate these creatures as attack animals, such as Outlaws or the Roekaar.

Scanner Information[]


Classification: Enemy
Origin: Andromeda

An over-sized, dog-like creature trained and used by outlaws to rush at enemies.



Wild Adhi can clamp their jaws around a target's arm, immobilizing them and leaving them open for attack unless the target manages to break free.

Alternatively, they can swipe with their front claws for light damage.


They are unprotected by armor or shields.


  • Unlike the challyrion, wild adhi have no means of camouflage and can be spotted from far away.
  • Their attack sets are similar to their domesticated kin, and can be dealt with promptly.
  • Wild adhi tend to find strength in numbers more compared to their tamed kin.