质量效应 Wiki

仙女座行動(英文:Andromeda Initiative)是《質量效應:仙女座》中的計劃,於2176年創建,並於2185年開始進行,它是一個民間的、多種族的計劃,要將科學家、探險家和殖民者送上往仙女座星雲的單程旅途。 許多有力人士支持該計劃使其規模擴大。該計劃的最終目標是在似乎資源非常豐富的仙女座建立永久的居住地,並在它和銀河系之間建立可靠的通道。

為了此計劃建立了五架方舟(Ark),附有冷凍裝置以便讓其乘客了以在600年的旅途中睡眠。計劃建立者Jien GarsonNexus太空站這個探險的主要場所中。其他的四個方舟則各自有不同的族群。大多數的人類登上 Hyperion方舟。每個方舟都有自己的探路人(Pathfinder),其結合了精英士兵、科學家和嚮導的身分,其任務是找到新的家。Hyperion所選定的探路人是Alec Ryder.



“Charting the Andromeda Galaxy for habitable planets presents a unique challenge. Observation is limited by light, and given Andromeda's distance, any observations from the Milky Way are 2.5 million years out of date–enough time for a planet to have altered irrevocably.

一開始想要以獲得阿莎麗人的星球調查的方式來確認移居地點。但Jien Garson不願意在未有足夠資訊就讓幾千多殖民者冒險。

最終,該行動從quarian探險家獲得資料,他們宣稱在Perseus Veil的邊緣找到getharray。This array was supposedly built from three mass relays, using sensors in the combined relay corridor as a form of FTL "telescope" to observe dark space beyond the galactic rim. Why the geth expended so much effort to study dark space is not known.

Amongst these observations were near-contemporary surveys of Andromeda. When our predictive models confirmed them within an acceptable margin, the Initiative was able to begin identifying "golden worlds."”

