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Tom Taylorson (male)
Fryda Wolff (female)


經過了在仙女座星雲的一連串不幸事件之後。探路者之一的Alec Ryder所生下兩個雙胞胎兄妹。

Ryder在他們的父親不在的情況下指揮暴風雨號,並領導人類在Heleus Cluster的新家。


Ryder可以是男或女,名字外貌背景都可以自定。在未選擇的情況下,雙胞胎的名字是Scott(男)或Sara(女)[1], and will also have a significant presence as the story unfolds.



訓練 敘述 啟始力量 解鎖技能
Security During your Alliance military service, you focused on learning everything you could about weapons and tactics. Concussive Shot - Fires a heat-seeking, high-impact round to knock down opponents. Turbocharge - Grants a massive short-term boost to weapon fire rate and thermal clip efficiency.
Combat Fitness - Grants increase durability and the option to carry more weapons into battle.
Biotic You were effectively "designated biotic" during your Alliance military tenure, assisting your cohorts with your ability to control mass effect fields. Throw - Use your biotic powers to hurl an opponent through the air. Singularity - Create a vortex that will trap and disable enemies caught in its field.
Barrier - Bolster your defenses with a powerful biotic barrier.
Technician As a technician in the Systems Alliance military, you learned to operate drones and hack enemy systems. Overload - Unleash an electrostatic discharge that deals high damage to shields and synthetic enemies. Can chain to multiple targets. Invasion - Hack into your opponent's armor and weapons, infecting them with a computer virus to weaken their defenses and even spread to nearby foes.
Team Support - Develop specialized technology to bolster the survivability of your entire squad.
Leader You were a team player and a natural leader in the Alliance military, working closely with your cohorts for their safety and the safety of others. Energy Drain - Drain your target's shields to replenish your own. Especially effective against synthetic enemies. Annihilation - Weave a shifting aura of mass effect fields around you to slowly damage nearby foes.
Team Support - Develop specialized technology to bolster the survivability of your entire squad.
Scrapper When a fight broke out, you were always the first soldier in the thick of it - mostly according to Alliance military protocol, and occasionally not. Charge - Launch yourself like a comet at opponents and regain a portion of your shields on impact. Combat Fitness - Grants increased durability and the option to carry more weapons into battle.
Charge - See above.
Operative In the Alliance military, you studied covert operations and the tech used by special forces - knowledge you rarely found a use for until the Andromeda Initiative. Tactical Cloak - Employ light-bending technology to become invisible for a short duration. Gain a large damage bonus when you break cloak to attack. Combat Fitness - Grants increased durability and the option to carry more weapons into battle.
Tactical Cloak - See above.

