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“You're not even alive… not really. You're just a machine, and machines can be broken.”

薛帕德少校Commander Shepard)是《质量效应》系列的人类主角。薛帕德的性别、面貌、技能、和就职前背景都是玩家可以设定的,并且对故事情节有影响。薛帕德的姓氏是固定的,但名字可以由玩家自定义——默认主角的姓名是约翰·薛帕德(John Shepard),一位男性的士兵。背景是:生于地球/唯一的幸存者。

薛帕德出生于2154年4月11日,星际联盟N7特种部队训练计划毕业生(服役编号:5923-AC-2826)2183年时被分配至SSV 诺曼底号护卫舰上担任大副,之后加入神堡议会下辖的“幽灵”组织,成为该组织历史上第一名人类特工,并同时晋升为诺曼底号舰长。




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玩家可以自行选择薛帕德在进入星联军队服役前的经历,通过选择宇宙居民,地球原住民和殖民者. 此选择将影响其他角色怎样谈论主角, 并影响薛帕德获得 模范和叛逆 点数. 在游戏中一些 委托会根据玩家选择的服役前的经历决定是否出现 .

  • Spacer: 你的父母都曾在 星联军队中服役. 因为你的父母经常被调派到不同地方,你的童年在飞船和太空站中度过, 你从未在同一个地方待上几年. 跟随父母的脚步,你在十八岁时正式入伍。
    • Spacer角色在获得楷模点时将获得加成,因此TA能更快地积累楷模条。
    • Spacer角色将会在任务Citadel: Old, Unhappy, Far-Off Things中与主角的母亲汉娜 薛帕德 (Hannah Shepard)短暂交谈。薛帕德的母亲只会在这一个背景中出现(在其他背景中,薛帕德的父母已死亡或没有交代)。
  • 地球原住民: 作为一个地球原住民,你在地球上的贫民窟里度过了艰难的童年,并因此养成了坚韧不拔的性格。为了不沉湎于帮派文化,不陷于贫穷,你在十八岁入伍。
    • Earth-born角色在获得叛逆点时将获得加成,因此TA能更快地积累叛逆条。
    • Earth-born角色也有专属任务。曾与薛帕德同属一个帮派的成员会在任务Citadel: Old Friends中于神堡卫区科拉洞穴接近主角,他会让薛帕德去找酒吧里的一个turian,以免除另一个帮派成员的牢狱之灾。
  • 殖民者: You were born and raised on Mindoir, a small border colony in the 阿提卡断面. 你十六岁时, slavers raided Mindoir, 屠杀了你的亲人朋友。 你被一支路过的星联巡逻队解救,并在几年后入伍。
    • Colonist characters gain a small bonus to both 楷模叛逆点数 received.
    • Colonist characters also have a unique quest. When exiting the docking bay elevator, you will receive a request to help a fellow survivor of Mindoir, having been taken by slavers during the raid on Mindoir when you were sixteen.


在完成经历创建后,玩家必须从以下三项中选择一项心理档案: 唯一幸存者,战争英雄,冷血之人,each of which relates to a specific event in Alliance history and places Shepard in a prominent role.

  • 唯一幸存者:在你服役期间, a mission you were on went horribly wrong. Trapped in an extreme survival situation, 你克服了常人难以忍受的生理折磨和心理压力,最终存活下来,但你的战友却全部阵亡. You survived while all those around you fell, and now you alone are left to tell the tale. The Sole Survivor's unit was slaughtered in a thresher maw attack on Akuze.
    • Sole Survivor grants neither Paragon nor Renegade points and affects the story of the UNC: Dead Scientists mission.
  • 战争英雄:Early in your military career you found yourself facing an overwhelming enemy force. You risked your own life to save your fellow soldiers and defeat the enemy despite the impossible odds. Your bravery and heroism have earned you medals and recognition from the Alliance fleet. The War Hero almost single-handedly repelled an attack by batarian slavers on Elysium.
    • War Hero characters gain bonus 楷模 points; this background slightly affects the dialogue of the UNC: Espionage Probe mission.
  • 冷血之人: Throughout your military career, you have held fast to one basic rule: get the job done. You've been called cold, calculating, and brutal. Your reputation for ruthless efficiency makes your fellow soldiers wary of you. But when failure is not an option, the military always goes to you first. The Ruthless character sent 3/4ths of his/her unit to its death and murdered surrendering batarians on Torfan.
    • A Ruthless background adds bonus 叛逆 points and slightly affects the story of UNC: Major Kyle.


玩家必须选择一种军事特长, which determines a set of talents. The six classes are 士兵工程师异能者渗透者哨兵先锋。The class choice will 也会影响武器熟练度——如果薛帕德对某一武器不够熟练,TA依然可以使用这项武器,但却不能放大瞄准,武器加成也无法生效。This applies to all weapons except the pistol, which all classes receive training in.

The player's choice of class does not affect the story in any way; there is only one minor variation in dialogue (when speaking to 凯登·阿连科) which refers to any chosen biotic class or biotic bonus talents.

Bonus Talents[]

If the player is creating a second character, at this point any unlocked bonus talents may be selected. These talents are unlocked by gaining the achievement for each talent. The player can choose one additional talent to add to their skill base. This talent is not reliant upon the existing class or prerequisite talents. For example, a pure 士兵 can still have a tech bonus talent, and an Engineer could still be given 奇点 without needing 扭曲. In the case the Soldier class is not chosen, the choice of a second weapon specialization such as the Sniper Rifle for the Adept, may be chosen instead of another ability.


The ultimate stage of customization, the player may alter their character's facial structure, head, eyes, jaw, mouth, nose, hair, scarring, make-up (female only) and beard (male only). Alternatively, the player may select the default appearance.


Before the game begins, a profile summary is shown for review, and a chance to return to previous stages of customization and make changes is available.

If Commander Shepard is not edited, and is accepted as stock, his name is John Shepard and will be an Earthborn, Sole Survivor and a Soldier.



在《质量效应2》预告中,Shepard目前的状态是 "阵亡",画面上是一个GETH穿的带血的N7盔甲。有人认为这个桀斯是”军团“,因为军团也有N7盔甲。它声称这曾属于薛帕德的。据透露,就在攻打城堡之后,联盟派薛帕德去铲除桀斯的抵抗。诺曼底号被派往一个据说有三艘飞船失踪的区域。

诺曼底号被一艘收集者飞船攻击,将其撕碎。当其他船员弃船而去时,薛帕德去救小丑。不幸的是,在薛帕德将小丑送入逃生舱后,一场爆炸将他们分开,薛帕德的机甲也因此受损。薛帕德被甩入宇宙,在诺曼底号的解体中死里逃生。 然后,空气开始从薛帕德的衣服中漏出,显然,指挥官窒息而死。再加上在进入下面的星球时,防护服可能会被烧毁。

然而,在被称为”拉撒路计划“的赛伯鲁斯的努力下,薛帕德被重建并复活了;有机地和合成地。两年后,薛帕德在塞伯鲁斯前哨站袭击中于实验室醒来。在前哨站中行进的过程中,TA渐渐了解了拉撒路计划以及为了复活TA所付出的努力--与许多数据缓存引用了该项目疯狂的花费,并说。尽管他们努力使指挥官与以前完全一样,但Shepard可能在某些方面被无意中改变了。 如果你在导入一代存档后,在二代游戏开头的重建中改变了薛帕德的外貌或职业,这将作为一个合理的解释。 薛帕德也被塞伯鲁斯领袖幻影人称为 "睡着 "有一段时间了。

All the while, human colonies start disappearing during the Commander's incapacitation, so therefore, Shepard has to ally with Cerberus to solve this mystery. Meanwhile, rumors of Shepard's apparent survival have mixed concerns. Some would even think that Shepard is undercover investigating the colony disappearances.


面部疤痕 因为薛帕德在复活前醒来,TA的脸部仍有几处疤痕,可以作为结盟的明显标志。获得“原则”会使这些疤痕慢慢消退,而“叛逆”则使这些疤痕变得更加明显,并且有些可怕--这些疤痕对薛帕德的能力起到了一定的作用,使他更有魅力,或者更有威慑力。在叛徒等级的较高两个部分,眼睛明显地发出红色的光芒。

在谢泼德进入新建的诺曼底后不久,查克沃斯医生发来的一封邮件解释说,如果谢泼德使用 "精神战胜物质 "并对情况有一个 "积极的看法",这些伤疤会自行愈合。它还指出,通过对诺曼底号的医疗舱进行升级,可以进行手术,"使你的控制论植入物绝缘并加速你的愈合"。如果玩家选择进行手术,伤疤将被永久愈合,玩家的道德选择将再也不会影响薛帕德的外貌 (此项目升级将花费50,000星币。)


  • Alan Bartlett Shepard, Jr. 是第二个进入宇宙的人类,也是第一个进入宇宙的美国人(May 5, 1961). He later commanded the Apollo 14 mission in 1971 and 成为了第五名登月者.
  • 在周边宣传产品中,薛帕德的性别都默认为男性。
  • 男性薛帕德的默认外貌是在荷兰模特Mark Vanderloo的面部基础上修改而成
  • 男性薛帕德说话时带有加拿大口音,这可能与配音演员马克·米尔是加拿大人有关。
  • The female Shepard is played by prolific voice actress Jennifer Hale, who voiced Bastila Shan in BioWare's Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Obsidian Entertainment's Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords, as well as Samus Aran in Nintendo's Metroid Prime series.
  • When Shepard becomes inducted as a Spectre, according to Admiral Hackett ,薛帕德在严格意义上还是星联的一份子(尽管安德森上校不这么认为)。因此,尽管薛帕德不再受星联指挥,而是直接隶属于神堡议会,TA仍应被称为少校。
    • Military ranks can, in some situations, be deferred in favor of civilian ranks. Considering the nature of Spectres in the game, it is likely that is considered to supersede any military rank.
  • Shepard's chosen pre-service history and 心理档案plays a small background role in 质量效应2, over public announcement systems on various developed worlds (Illium, Omega, etc.)
    • If Shepard is of the Earthborn background, a galactic news report will reveal the "Shepard Scholarship", an investment designed to give disadvantaged youths from Earth the chance to join the Alliance.
    • If the Colonist background is chosen, a news report will reveal that Mindoir has succeeded in gaining the rights to use Shepard's likeness in their colonial seal.
    • 在Spacer背景下,新闻会报道薛帕德的母亲汉娜 薛帕德(Hannah Shepard)拒绝成为上将(Admiral), she says that it's a political ploy and wants to best honor her fallen child's memory by remaining a Captain.
    • If the War Hero background is chosen, the "Shepard Memorial Plaza" on Elysium has been voted the "hottest" place to get married.
    • If the Ruthless background is chosen, there is a rush of attempts to extinguish Shepard's memorial flame on Torfan.
    • If the Sole Survivor background was chosen, it will be announced that the Shepard Memorial on Akuze is scheduled to open in 2186, once the area is declared safe for visitors. Admiral Hackett will preside over the opening ceremony.
  • 薛帕德的默认名字——男性为约翰(John),女性为简(Jane)——在英语文化中都是无名氏的代称(男性为John Doe,女性为Jane Doe)。
  • It would appear that Shepard has a gift for being a leader. 米兰达·劳森 draws attention to this, claiming that Shepard has "that fire that makes someone willing to follow you into hell itself". This is similar to the protagonist of BioWare's Knight's of the Old Republic, who is also said to possess such an ability.
  • To keep the exact nature of Shepard's return quiet in Mass Effect 2, it is often stated that the Commander almost died, which is not really truthful. The male Shepard would later joke with Jack that he is "technically undead".
  • When stopped by a C-Sec officer on their first return to the Citadel in Mass Effect 2, one of the dialogue options has Shepard say that he/she was "only mostly dead." This may be a reference to Miracle Max's line from "The Princess Bride".